Sick, Sick and More Sick!
Hi All,
Hope that you are well. We are doing pretty well except for the fact that both kids, and especially Koby have been sick on and off for the past 2 weeks! It started with a terrible stomach flu that lasted almost a week. Koby had no energy and visibly looked like he lost a bit of weight. He was better for about 3 days and then he caught another virus and had a fever once again. Not too much fun! Thank G-d both kids are healthy now and back at gan.
So, I really don't have much to report on this end. We spent the last few weeks at doctors and relaxing at home trying to get better. Hopefully there will be some excitement for my next post.
Lots of love to everyone,
Rachel & Co.
Koby wanting to be just like his big bro
Chillin' on the couch with a video - one of the sick days.

Gavi relaxing post bath
Pre-shabbos grocery shop. Trust me this is VERY physically demanding!
Getting ready for bed
I really try to get more pics of the kids together but they are so not into it! I'll have to keep trying.

Hope that you are well. We are doing pretty well except for the fact that both kids, and especially Koby have been sick on and off for the past 2 weeks! It started with a terrible stomach flu that lasted almost a week. Koby had no energy and visibly looked like he lost a bit of weight. He was better for about 3 days and then he caught another virus and had a fever once again. Not too much fun! Thank G-d both kids are healthy now and back at gan.
So, I really don't have much to report on this end. We spent the last few weeks at doctors and relaxing at home trying to get better. Hopefully there will be some excitement for my next post.
Lots of love to everyone,
Rachel & Co.
Koby wanting to be just like his big bro
Gavi relaxing post bath