Hi Everyone,
I hope that you are all well. We are all doing well, except for the never-ending colds the kids have been picking up from gan. We have had lots of visitors this month! It has been lots of fun and really nice for us to reconnect with some of our family.
The month started out with a visit from Auntie Alison who was visiting us from Ghana, Africa. We had a great time with her and the room that she slept in while she was here has been deemed "Auntie Alison's Room". Alison - you are going to have to come back soon if you want to hold on to the title. Next Zaidy Mory flew in for almost two weeks from Toronto. The kids had so much fun with their Zaidy. The highlight was our day at the Dead Sea and visit to Eretz Breishit (Genisis Land), where we took part in a biblical scene and visited the tent of Avraham Avinu. See the photos below. To end the month, we have Bubbie Nellie, who just arrived before shabbos and will be here for about 2 weeks!
I have been off for the month and will be returing to work next week, when the new semester begins. I am looking forward to teaching again, but I am in a desperate search for a babysitter. I was so lucky last time and I haven't really found anyone that I am crazy about. As a backup, both of the kids' gans have afternoon programs that they can go to. It's just a bit more expensive and less flexbile. Hopefully something will work out soon.
That's all for now. We miss you all!
Lots of love,
Rachel & Co.
Enjoying some homemade pita bread (made by us) at Eretz Breishit
Hospitality in Avraham Avinu's tent. Gavi looked so adorable in his robe.
In front of the camels that Zaidy, Gavi and Abba rode on. Gavi loved it! Koby was sleeping and not feeling that well so he isn't in any pics.
The Science Museum on a rainy day. The kids LOVE these cars!

Auntie Alison and the boys
A beautiful, sunny park day in the height of winter!
Who says you can't eat ice cream without a coat in the middle of January?
Koby's park photo shoot, while Gavi was running around with a friend.

I hope that you are all well. We are all doing well, except for the never-ending colds the kids have been picking up from gan. We have had lots of visitors this month! It has been lots of fun and really nice for us to reconnect with some of our family.
The month started out with a visit from Auntie Alison who was visiting us from Ghana, Africa. We had a great time with her and the room that she slept in while she was here has been deemed "Auntie Alison's Room". Alison - you are going to have to come back soon if you want to hold on to the title. Next Zaidy Mory flew in for almost two weeks from Toronto. The kids had so much fun with their Zaidy. The highlight was our day at the Dead Sea and visit to Eretz Breishit (Genisis Land), where we took part in a biblical scene and visited the tent of Avraham Avinu. See the photos below. To end the month, we have Bubbie Nellie, who just arrived before shabbos and will be here for about 2 weeks!
I have been off for the month and will be returing to work next week, when the new semester begins. I am looking forward to teaching again, but I am in a desperate search for a babysitter. I was so lucky last time and I haven't really found anyone that I am crazy about. As a backup, both of the kids' gans have afternoon programs that they can go to. It's just a bit more expensive and less flexbile. Hopefully something will work out soon.
That's all for now. We miss you all!
Lots of love,
Rachel & Co.
Enjoying some homemade pita bread (made by us) at Eretz Breishit