It's Been Way Too Long...

Dear family and friends,

I hope that you are all well. It has been ages since I updated the blog. I don't think this even qualifies as a blog anymore, but I thought it would be nice to put up another post before our summer visit. I'm sorry that I have been so irregular with my posts this year. I found life to be really hectic trying to manage a job, the kids and the house. So, the blog fell to the bottom of my to do list.

What's new with us? I recently finished my first year of teaching! It was a great experience, but it definitely kept me busy. I really enjoyed the work and got some great feedback from my students and the principal. I am hoping to teach some of the same classes again in the future and hopefully this will cut down on my workload. Joel is doing great and has started to learn at The Mir yeshiva in the mornings. It is probably the biggest yeshiva in the world. He learns alongside 1,000 other students - pretty intense. He is really enjoying the change, and is still at Shappells in the afternoons.

The kids are great and getting so big! They both had birthdays - Gavi is 4 now and Koby 2 (see pics below). They are great friends most of the time - when they aren't fighting over something that is. Koby has really started to speak in full sentences. It's so cute to see him express himself! Gavi just got his first bike (thanks Savta and Grandpa) and is enjoying learning to ride it. He is also almost totally fluent in Hebrew and has even started speaking some Hebrew at home, especially when he is playing. He has also offically changed my name from "mommy" to "ima". Koby has caught on too and has pretty much dropped calling me mommy!

We are coming to Toronto from July 16th until August 5th. We are really looking forward to the visit and reconnecting with many of you!

Lots of love,

Rachel & Co.

The pics are in no particular order ....On the beach in Tel Aviv

Thanks Bubbie Nellie for the sunglasses!
One of our favorite pasttimes - standing in the window
Our cool, little rocker

Gavi's birthday party at gan
Gavi serenading me with a song at the party

Taking a jacuzzi bath at the cabin we rented for a few days

The Safari in Ramat Gan

Koby turns 2!!

At his gan party
The boys, me and Koby's amazing morah Talia


Leah said…
What a beautiful family! We are excited to see you guys.
Dude, you're totally past-due for your next blog post. Guess I'll just have to come to Yerushalayim to hear an update...well, good news! Moshiach is coming, so I'll see you this week!

your Toronto friend,

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