A LONG Overdue Update
Hi All,
Hope that this post finds you well. I am sorry for my lack of communication (via the blog) over the last few months. Life has just been hectic and I haven't be able to find the time to update all of you. So, I am turning over a new leaf and I really hope to post an update every week or two. I hope you can forgive me and still read up on our lives : )
Where to begin? So much has gone on since we arrived back from our trip to TO this summer. I think the biggest change is that I recently got a job teaching Economics to American high school kids that are in Israel for a semester. I am really enjoying it! Overall the job is great - good pay, transportation to and from the school, great students and a nice working environment. The biggest downside is the hours - they are in the afternoon, so I had to hire a babysitter to take care of the boys for a few hours in the afternoon 4 days per week. The babysitter is actually amazing and the kids really like her. Thank G-d they seem to have adjusted quite well to the new setup.
The kids are both doing well. Gavi is starting to learn Hebrew and is saying more words all the time! It is quite an amazing process to watch. In a few more months he will probably be fluent and he has the cutest Israeli accent! Koby is also well and has become a real toddler full of personality. He is talking a lot and repeats most words that you say to him. He also started going to gan in the mornings about a month ago and is really enjoying it! It is so cute to see him walk in the mornings, while he is greeted by 5 or 6 little dirty faces (they have just eaten breakfast - don't worry).
Joel is well and is enjoying his learning as always. He recently started a smicha program (Rabbinical ordination program) in the afternoons, which he likes very much. He is learning all about the laws of shabbos and will be taking some tests on this topic. The program will take about 2 years to complete. We are both also part of an amazing program called Ner l'elef. It is a program that teaches you (among many things) some of the more practical aspects of working in the Jewish community. The program also helps you find jobs in your area of interest once you have completed the program. Joel is required to go for classes twice a week and I go one evening as well. So life is busy, but overall great!
Hope you feel more connected now. Miss you all!
Lots of love,
Rachel & Co.
Gavi enjoying his new Spiderman umbrella - thanks Zaidy
The boys are Riverdale farm
Koby showing his cousin Eleni some love

In the Old City

The kids enjoying the Science Museum. Koby's hair is getting quite long - notice his barette

Gavi showing off his Rosh Hashana project. He made apple jelly in gan!
Gavi on the Mifletset - big, scary, wierd slide in Jerusalem
Gavi loved having his face painted!

Hope that this post finds you well. I am sorry for my lack of communication (via the blog) over the last few months. Life has just been hectic and I haven't be able to find the time to update all of you. So, I am turning over a new leaf and I really hope to post an update every week or two. I hope you can forgive me and still read up on our lives : )
Where to begin? So much has gone on since we arrived back from our trip to TO this summer. I think the biggest change is that I recently got a job teaching Economics to American high school kids that are in Israel for a semester. I am really enjoying it! Overall the job is great - good pay, transportation to and from the school, great students and a nice working environment. The biggest downside is the hours - they are in the afternoon, so I had to hire a babysitter to take care of the boys for a few hours in the afternoon 4 days per week. The babysitter is actually amazing and the kids really like her. Thank G-d they seem to have adjusted quite well to the new setup.
The kids are both doing well. Gavi is starting to learn Hebrew and is saying more words all the time! It is quite an amazing process to watch. In a few more months he will probably be fluent and he has the cutest Israeli accent! Koby is also well and has become a real toddler full of personality. He is talking a lot and repeats most words that you say to him. He also started going to gan in the mornings about a month ago and is really enjoying it! It is so cute to see him walk in the mornings, while he is greeted by 5 or 6 little dirty faces (they have just eaten breakfast - don't worry).
Joel is well and is enjoying his learning as always. He recently started a smicha program (Rabbinical ordination program) in the afternoons, which he likes very much. He is learning all about the laws of shabbos and will be taking some tests on this topic. The program will take about 2 years to complete. We are both also part of an amazing program called Ner l'elef. It is a program that teaches you (among many things) some of the more practical aspects of working in the Jewish community. The program also helps you find jobs in your area of interest once you have completed the program. Joel is required to go for classes twice a week and I go one evening as well. So life is busy, but overall great!
Hope you feel more connected now. Miss you all!
Lots of love,
Rachel & Co.
Gavi enjoying his new Spiderman umbrella - thanks Zaidy
In the Old City
I am booking my flight this week, so i'll keep you posted!