Feelin' Hot Hot Hot!!
Hi again,
Hope that this post finds you well. I know that the blog has been on a major hiatus! I do apologize. I guess I just feel like we will be reconnecting with so many of you in person in just a month, so I don't have the discipline to update the blog. I know it's not the best excuse, but it's all I've got.
It's super, crazy hot here!! Today was 37 degrees Celsius - this is not the norm - it's been hovering between 30 and 35 most days. In truth, I don't mind the heat at all and I'm getting used to sweating ALL THE TIME! To keep cool we've been going to pools, eating lots of homemade popsicles, and filling our afternoons with play dates and indoor activities.
The boys are doing great. Koby has been through a rough bout of teething recently, accompanied with a cold. All four of his first set of molars have decided to pop through at the same time and he's been pretty cranky as a result. I guess it's better to get it over with all at once. Today was a big improvement, so I'm hoping we are nearing the end. Gavi is great and has taken a real interest in Hebrew. He doesn't know many words, but he uses the words that he does know over and over. I think he is going to be really excited about learning Hebrew in his Hebrew-speaking gan this September.
I am in the process of job hunting. Nothing has come up yet, but I've had some positive feedback. I would love to secure something before we leave for Toronto at the beginnig of August. We'll see what happens. Joel, as always, is enjoying his days in Yeshiva and starting to plan for next year.
Love to everyone. Looking forward to seeing all of you at the beginning of August (hopefully I will post before then)!
Lots of love,
Rachel & Co.
Fun with our blue sunglasses
Gavi gets a real kick out of Koby sometimes...

He thought this was pretty hilarious
Waiting for the bus on the way to a pool

"Plastelina" as Israelis (and now Gavi) say
The fountain by Liberty Bell park. Koby couldn't get enough of it!!
Looking pretty hip in his swim gear
Koby and his friend Ayala playing in the fountain

Hope that this post finds you well. I know that the blog has been on a major hiatus! I do apologize. I guess I just feel like we will be reconnecting with so many of you in person in just a month, so I don't have the discipline to update the blog. I know it's not the best excuse, but it's all I've got.
It's super, crazy hot here!! Today was 37 degrees Celsius - this is not the norm - it's been hovering between 30 and 35 most days. In truth, I don't mind the heat at all and I'm getting used to sweating ALL THE TIME! To keep cool we've been going to pools, eating lots of homemade popsicles, and filling our afternoons with play dates and indoor activities.
The boys are doing great. Koby has been through a rough bout of teething recently, accompanied with a cold. All four of his first set of molars have decided to pop through at the same time and he's been pretty cranky as a result. I guess it's better to get it over with all at once. Today was a big improvement, so I'm hoping we are nearing the end. Gavi is great and has taken a real interest in Hebrew. He doesn't know many words, but he uses the words that he does know over and over. I think he is going to be really excited about learning Hebrew in his Hebrew-speaking gan this September.
I am in the process of job hunting. Nothing has come up yet, but I've had some positive feedback. I would love to secure something before we leave for Toronto at the beginnig of August. We'll see what happens. Joel, as always, is enjoying his days in Yeshiva and starting to plan for next year.
Love to everyone. Looking forward to seeing all of you at the beginning of August (hopefully I will post before then)!
Lots of love,
Rachel & Co.
Fun with our blue sunglasses
