Gavi's Extravaganza
Hi again,
Hope all is well. I apologize that I am very behind in my posting. Life has just seemed a little busier than usual. As most of you know Gavi turned 3 a few weeks ago. So on Lag Baomer he had an upsherin (hair cutting party) in our home. For those of you that are not familiar with this tradition let me explain. There is a tradition to let a boy's hair grow until he turns three. Once he reaches this age his formal religious education begins and he starts to wear a kippa and tzitzis. This party marks the beginning of this process. At the party the boy's hair is cut (just a bit) by the guests and rabbis and he receives many brachas (blessings) as he embarks on this path.
So you ask how did Gavi do with all of this - spotlight, people, scissors...? He was AMAZING! He was quite relaxed throughout the whole thing and it didn't bother him at all that a bunch of people were cutting his hair. He had a very serious expression on his face as different Rabeiim and guests took a snip. All in all, the party was fun and we had a really good turnout.
Enjoy all the pics from the party as well as some from Gavi's gan birthday party.
Lots of love,
Rachel & Co.
Bubbie Nellie and Koby
My guys
Before the cut...wearing his Gavriel kippah

Aleph-Bais with honey
Gavi held on to these kiddie scissors for the entire party

Abba taking a snip

A blessing from one of Joel's teachers
The professional cut and the shi-shi salon that mommy insisted on

The new do

The Gan party - of course there was a crown involved
Jumping through the birthday hoops
Singing happy birthday with the class

Enjoying birthday cupcakes
Dancing around the birthday boy
It's hard to tell...but the whole class picked Gavi up on a chair 3 times and once for good luck (practicing for his wedding G-d willing). It was really sweet.
Hope all is well. I apologize that I am very behind in my posting. Life has just seemed a little busier than usual. As most of you know Gavi turned 3 a few weeks ago. So on Lag Baomer he had an upsherin (hair cutting party) in our home. For those of you that are not familiar with this tradition let me explain. There is a tradition to let a boy's hair grow until he turns three. Once he reaches this age his formal religious education begins and he starts to wear a kippa and tzitzis. This party marks the beginning of this process. At the party the boy's hair is cut (just a bit) by the guests and rabbis and he receives many brachas (blessings) as he embarks on this path.
So you ask how did Gavi do with all of this - spotlight, people, scissors...? He was AMAZING! He was quite relaxed throughout the whole thing and it didn't bother him at all that a bunch of people were cutting his hair. He had a very serious expression on his face as different Rabeiim and guests took a snip. All in all, the party was fun and we had a really good turnout.
Enjoy all the pics from the party as well as some from Gavi's gan birthday party.
Lots of love,
Rachel & Co.
Bubbie Nellie and Koby

A blessing from one of Joel's teachers

The new do

The Gan party - of course there was a crown involved

Enjoying birthday cupcakes
