Koby is One!!
Happy birthday Kobster!! Koby turned one this past week! I can't believe how quickly a year flew by. Koby is officially a toddler and he seems more grown up all the time. He really is starting to communicate and says mama, abba and todah often. He has also started using a sippy cup which makes things easier. Koby is very interested in walking but is not quite there yet. He is pushing furniture and toys around the house while taking little steps. When holding on to a walking toy he can take about 10 steps. He doesn’t have the balance down yet…but he’s getting there. I’m looking forward to the day when I don’t have to worry about him crawling around the dirty park and picking everything up and putting it in his mouth.
We had a little cake party for him - just the 4 of us. Koby was REALLY into the cake - check out the pics below. I actually toyed with the idea of making him a kids party, but decided to hold off another year until he would actually appreciate it (I know the second child gets the shaft).
Gavi is also doing great! He is really excited for Pesach, although it has been hard for him to let Purim go. He still loves dressing up in his costume – which is taking a beating – and calling himself Thomas (the train). He already knows (at least some of) the Ma Nishtana (4 questions) and has learned a lot about Pesach at his gan. It is truly amazing what 2 year olds are able to pick up and remember! Gavi has also entered the “why” stage. He asks a series of why questions throughout the day. He is one curious kid and keeps me on my toes.
The boys are also really excited about their new baby cousin Eleni Anne and can't wait to play with her in August. Mazel tov Marisa and Alan!
Joel and I are busy, but doing well. We are actually throwing a 7 brachot (post wedding party) for a friend on Friday night and we have lots of Pesach prep to do. Joel has a long break ahead of him, which started today. So we are looking forward to doing some fun outings and perhaps even a little bit of traveling during the break.
Hope that everyone is well. We miss you and chag kasher v’sameach! Happy Pesach in case I don’t get to post again before the holiday.
Lots of love,
Rachel & Co.
Me, Leah and the 2 babes in Cup of Joe
