Pre-Purim Fun!
Hi Everyone,
Hope that life is going well. We are all doing well here. Jerusalem is buzzing with pre-purim preparations and energy. In Jerusalem the purim season starts on Rosh Chodesh Adar (the beginning of the month of Adar) which occurred at the beginning of this past week. On both days of Rosh Chodesh Gavi came home in costume. On the first day he was a daddy (although at first I thought he was a waiter) and the second day he was a clown. It was so adorable to see all of the preschool children walking around all dressed up.
Gavi also switched to a younger group in his gan. His transition was pretty smooth and he seems to be enjoying his new group so far. Thank G-d Gavi is, for the most part, a pretty easy going, adabptable boy. He was really excited that he was chosen as the shabbos Abba this past week. This past week when the boys were in the bath, Gavi announced that Koby is his best friend. Shortly after he told me that Abba is my best friend. I had to was such an adorable moment.
Koby is great and just turned 11 months this past week! I can't beleive he is almost a year...time flies. His sleeping is finally back on track and he does about a 10 hour stretch, wakes up for a quick feed in the early morning and then goes back to sleep for another hour or so. Its not bad, but I hope to cut out his 5:20 (yes, exactly the same time everyday) wakeup soon. Koby is also starting to talk! He says Mama, more (its more like "mo") and da for todah. Its really cute to see him trying to communicate.
Joel is great and had a day off this past week so we spent the afternoon in the Old City, which I hadn't been to in ages. I've been wanting to go, but I just find it too hard with a stroller and all the stairs. We had a great time and it was so nice to be at the Kotel again. On the way back we stopped in at the Mamilla shopping centre for English Story hour at the book store. It really was such a fabulous day.
As for my yoga class it wasn't quite what I had expected. The other participants were in their 70s and possibly was quite hilariuos. Needless to say, I'm not going back. I am working on starting a class in the neighbourhood, so hopefully I'll have some yoga in my life soon.
Gotta run!
Lots of love,
Rachel & Co.
Finger painting on a rainy day

Koby is completely off of baby food and insists on eating by himself. What a mess!!

Hangin' out in the tent

Our little Abba

Yeah! I finally made it to the blog!

Clowning Around

Hope that life is going well. We are all doing well here. Jerusalem is buzzing with pre-purim preparations and energy. In Jerusalem the purim season starts on Rosh Chodesh Adar (the beginning of the month of Adar) which occurred at the beginning of this past week. On both days of Rosh Chodesh Gavi came home in costume. On the first day he was a daddy (although at first I thought he was a waiter) and the second day he was a clown. It was so adorable to see all of the preschool children walking around all dressed up.
Gavi also switched to a younger group in his gan. His transition was pretty smooth and he seems to be enjoying his new group so far. Thank G-d Gavi is, for the most part, a pretty easy going, adabptable boy. He was really excited that he was chosen as the shabbos Abba this past week. This past week when the boys were in the bath, Gavi announced that Koby is his best friend. Shortly after he told me that Abba is my best friend. I had to was such an adorable moment.
Koby is great and just turned 11 months this past week! I can't beleive he is almost a year...time flies. His sleeping is finally back on track and he does about a 10 hour stretch, wakes up for a quick feed in the early morning and then goes back to sleep for another hour or so. Its not bad, but I hope to cut out his 5:20 (yes, exactly the same time everyday) wakeup soon. Koby is also starting to talk! He says Mama, more (its more like "mo") and da for todah. Its really cute to see him trying to communicate.
Joel is great and had a day off this past week so we spent the afternoon in the Old City, which I hadn't been to in ages. I've been wanting to go, but I just find it too hard with a stroller and all the stairs. We had a great time and it was so nice to be at the Kotel again. On the way back we stopped in at the Mamilla shopping centre for English Story hour at the book store. It really was such a fabulous day.
As for my yoga class it wasn't quite what I had expected. The other participants were in their 70s and possibly was quite hilariuos. Needless to say, I'm not going back. I am working on starting a class in the neighbourhood, so hopefully I'll have some yoga in my life soon.
Gotta run!
Lots of love,
Rachel & Co.
Finger painting on a rainy day

Koby is completely off of baby food and insists on eating by himself. What a mess!!

Hangin' out in the tent

Our little Abba

Yeah! I finally made it to the blog!

Clowning Around
