Happy Birthday Trees!
Hi there -
Hope that you are all well. This past week was Tu Bi'shvat, a celebration of the trees. I think its actually the birthday of the trees to be exact. This may not be a significant event in any of your lives, but for a two year old who attends gan this is a big deal. Gavi has been singing Tu Bi'shvat songs for weeks and was really excited for the holiday. On the actual holiday Gavi had a party at his gan and they made fruit salad together. Check out his adorable project below! His teacher is so creative.
The rest of the week wasn't quite as festive, as Gavi developed a sty in one of his eyes...not fun and quite painful. I can empathize, I had one this summer! So, I kept him home from gan for a couple of days. One day I took the kids to the science museum. It's not quite as elaborate as the Science Centre, but the kids had a blast. The museum is half way between our house and the yeshiva so Joel met us there during his lunch break.
Koby is great and into EVERYTHING!! I think he's teething again and has come down with a bit of a cold. What else is new? Due to these disturbances he's not sleeping as well. I feel like I've been sleep training this kid for months!
Joel and I are doing well. I'm really looking forward to going to my first yoga class (I have not done yoga since Koby was born 10.5 months ago) tonight! Joel is enjoying his learning as always and feels like he's really making progress.
We miss you all!
With love,
Rachel & Co.
Kobster - always happy!
Koby's favorite teether - a cold carrot
Check out Gavi's Tu Bi'shvat project. Inside the container is the fruit salad his class made. How cute!
Our little dried fruit party! Koby enjoying raisins.
Gavi in his flower crown, at least this crown only stuck around for a day or two
Mirrors at the science museum
Crawling all over the museum!
Racetrack - one of Gavi's favorite at the museum
The boys first game of tic tac toe
Hope that you are all well. This past week was Tu Bi'shvat, a celebration of the trees. I think its actually the birthday of the trees to be exact. This may not be a significant event in any of your lives, but for a two year old who attends gan this is a big deal. Gavi has been singing Tu Bi'shvat songs for weeks and was really excited for the holiday. On the actual holiday Gavi had a party at his gan and they made fruit salad together. Check out his adorable project below! His teacher is so creative.
The rest of the week wasn't quite as festive, as Gavi developed a sty in one of his eyes...not fun and quite painful. I can empathize, I had one this summer! So, I kept him home from gan for a couple of days. One day I took the kids to the science museum. It's not quite as elaborate as the Science Centre, but the kids had a blast. The museum is half way between our house and the yeshiva so Joel met us there during his lunch break.
Koby is great and into EVERYTHING!! I think he's teething again and has come down with a bit of a cold. What else is new? Due to these disturbances he's not sleeping as well. I feel like I've been sleep training this kid for months!
Joel and I are doing well. I'm really looking forward to going to my first yoga class (I have not done yoga since Koby was born 10.5 months ago) tonight! Joel is enjoying his learning as always and feels like he's really making progress.
We miss you all!
With love,
Rachel & Co.
Kobster - always happy!
