Hi again -
This past week was a bit of a challenging one, as both kiddies were sick with coughs and colds. Thank G-d they are on the mend, but now both myself and Joel have come down with it. The week was spent mostly hanging out indoors and healing.
In other news, Gavi had his first day at a new gan (daycare) today!!! It actually went pretty well - there was no crying whatsoever, not even at the dropoff. Gavi is trying out the 3 - 4 year old group at Gan Rivka, since the 2.5 group is full for now. Hopefully he'll be able to hack it with the older kids, we'll have a better idea by the end of the week. Its a really great gan so I'm hoping that we can find some kind of solution if this group isn't right for him.
We also began the process of sleep training Koby at the beginning of the week. Yes, it was horrible, but after only 2 nights he was doing an 8 or 9 hour stretch, which is a HUGE improvement for him. Unfortunately, with him being sick we had to stop, but we will begin again in the next day or so. Once Koby is sleep trained I am planning on having the boys share a room and transforming Koby's current room into a playroom/guestroom for all of you when you come to visit!
Joel is doing great and really enjoying Yeshiva. I am doing well, and now that Gavi is in gan I can breathe a little bit. We are really enjoying the neighbourhood and feel like we are starting to build a community for ourselves here. There are tons of young families in the area, which is really great for the kids and not to mention the moms too.
Enjoy the pics!
Lots of love,
Rachel & Co
Check out Gavi's Lego tower!

He's pretty proud of it

Koby loves these baby crackers - he actually takes little bites and can eat a whole one with his 4 chompers

Gavi's hair is getting so long. Its long enough to put into a kookoo (that what they call hair elastics here).

Sick mode: pjs, sippy cup and Dora dvd

Gavi had to put on his sunglasses and kippa so that he could be twins with Abba
I love this picture of Koby...it was actually taken a few days before we left in TO
This past week was a bit of a challenging one, as both kiddies were sick with coughs and colds. Thank G-d they are on the mend, but now both myself and Joel have come down with it. The week was spent mostly hanging out indoors and healing.
In other news, Gavi had his first day at a new gan (daycare) today!!! It actually went pretty well - there was no crying whatsoever, not even at the dropoff. Gavi is trying out the 3 - 4 year old group at Gan Rivka, since the 2.5 group is full for now. Hopefully he'll be able to hack it with the older kids, we'll have a better idea by the end of the week. Its a really great gan so I'm hoping that we can find some kind of solution if this group isn't right for him.
We also began the process of sleep training Koby at the beginning of the week. Yes, it was horrible, but after only 2 nights he was doing an 8 or 9 hour stretch, which is a HUGE improvement for him. Unfortunately, with him being sick we had to stop, but we will begin again in the next day or so. Once Koby is sleep trained I am planning on having the boys share a room and transforming Koby's current room into a playroom/guestroom for all of you when you come to visit!
Joel is doing great and really enjoying Yeshiva. I am doing well, and now that Gavi is in gan I can breathe a little bit. We are really enjoying the neighbourhood and feel like we are starting to build a community for ourselves here. There are tons of young families in the area, which is really great for the kids and not to mention the moms too.
Enjoy the pics!
Lots of love,
Rachel & Co
Check out Gavi's Lego tower!

He's pretty proud of it

Koby loves these baby crackers - he actually takes little bites and can eat a whole one with his 4 chompers

Gavi's hair is getting so long. Its long enough to put into a kookoo (that what they call hair elastics here).

Sick mode: pjs, sippy cup and Dora dvd

Gavi had to put on his sunglasses and kippa so that he could be twins with Abba

I love this picture of Koby...it was actually taken a few days before we left in TO

Glad to hear everything is working out. Sorry to hear about all the sickness...refuoh shlemah! I'm really excited about the guest room. Now I have a confirmation for a place to stay:) Keep the updates and pictures coming.
Until next time,
Kol tuv!