
Showing posts from December, 2008

Hangin' Around

Hi again - Hope that you all had a wonderful holiday! Our Chanukah was nice, but unfortunately not that eventful. Both Joel and myself came down with brutal sinus infections. So the four of us spent most of the break hangin' around the apartment. Thanks to a number of home remedies, we have both avoided antibiotics and thank G-d are finally starting to feel better. We did, however, manage to go to a few Chanukah parties, which were great. We also attempted one outing to the the new Gymboree play centre in Talpiot, which was totally unsuccessful - we didn't find it! Sometimes things take a few tries in Israel...I'm used to it by now. Instead we ended up at a mediocre mall in the area. The boys are great and despite the uneventful week they had a great time with both their mommy and abba around. Enjoy the pics and video. Lots of love, Rachel & Co Always smiling Hanging out on the couch Gavi got a free ride on the carousel at the mall! Love that punim! Breakfast time ...


Hi everyone, Hope that you are all well...and not too cold if you are in TO! This past week was one filled with many firsts. Gavi had his first week in his new gan (daycare). He is doing great and loving it! He adores his teacher, Morah Miriam, and is managing quite well with the older kids in his group. We are still assessing whether he will stay in the group, but it was truly a great first week. Gavi also got a brand new big boy bed (purchased by our landlord) with Winnie the Pooh sheets. He LOVES it and has been sleeping so nicely in it. Koby also had a couple firsts this week. After a few days of sleep training he actually slept through the night!! He's doing about a nine hour stretch, feeding around 5 am and then going back to sleep for another few hours. This is a huge improvement from waking up every 2 - 3 hours! Koby's sleep success also meant that I had my first uninterrupted night of sleep in nine months. Well deserved I think! Hopefully we'll get rid of...


Hi again - This past week was a bit of a challenging one, as both kiddies were sick with coughs and colds. Thank G-d they are on the mend, but now both myself and Joel have come down with it. The week was spent mostly hanging out indoors and healing. In other news, Gavi had his first day at a new gan (daycare) today!!! It actually went pretty well - there was no crying whatsoever, not even at the dropoff. Gavi is trying out the 3 - 4 year old group at Gan Rivka, since the 2.5 group is full for now. Hopefully he'll be able to hack it with the older kids, we'll have a better idea by the end of the week. Its a really great gan so I'm hoping that we can find some kind of solution if this group isn't right for him. We also began the process of sleep training Koby at the beginning of the week. Yes, it was horrible, but after only 2 nights he was doing an 8 or 9 hour stretch, which is a HUGE improvement for him. Unfortunately, with him being sick we had to stop, but w...


Welcome to my blog! I'm pretty excited about it! I've decided to try out the blog thing as a way of keeping in touch with our family and friends around the world, while we are living in Yerushalayim. Hopefully, I will update it weekly with pics and updates from the week. So here's a quick sumup of the last month.... After bouncing around from one short term rental to another we found an apartment that we are really happy with. Funny enough it's in the same building as last year, it's a little smaller, but much more modern (no peeling walls and stained carpets!) and much better laid out. We LOVE the neighbourhood and slowly the apt is starting to feel more like home. Friends from the neighbourhood have been super generous/helpful and we've been invited out for almost every shabbos meal so far! The boys are doing great! Gavi is speaking a mile a minute and is a character as always. I am still searching for a gan (daycare) for him, but hopefully somethin...