Hangin' Around

Hi again - Hope that you all had a wonderful holiday! Our Chanukah was nice, but unfortunately not that eventful. Both Joel and myself came down with brutal sinus infections. So the four of us spent most of the break hangin' around the apartment. Thanks to a number of home remedies, we have both avoided antibiotics and thank G-d are finally starting to feel better. We did, however, manage to go to a few Chanukah parties, which were great. We also attempted one outing to the the new Gymboree play centre in Talpiot, which was totally unsuccessful - we didn't find it! Sometimes things take a few tries in Israel...I'm used to it by now. Instead we ended up at a mediocre mall in the area. The boys are great and despite the uneventful week they had a great time with both their mommy and abba around. Enjoy the pics and video. Lots of love, Rachel & Co Always smiling Hanging out on the couch Gavi got a free ride on the carousel at the mall! Love that punim! Breakfast time ...