PURIM!! (a little late....)

Hi Everyone, Hope that you are all well. We are doing well and have been quite busy! Once again I appologize for being so bad about updating the blog. I have been really busy with work, managing the fam and lots of visitors! We had a wonderful visit with Autie Carrie, Uncle Marvin and Marni (my neice)! The boys loved hanging out at the hotel and really appreciated all the wonderful goodies that they brought us from TO. We also just said goodbye to Antie Marisa, Uncle Alan and their adorable gingy daughter Eleni last night. The boys really had a great time getting to know their little cousin and they can't wait to play with her again this summer! I am really enjoying my teaching job, but it has been keeping me quite busy. At times I feel a bit overwhelmed with trying to manage the kids and getting all my lesson planning done. I am looking forward to 2 weeks off for Pesach! I definitely need a bit of a break. Joel also has a month off so hopefully we will get out there a...